JFIT Sustainability Insight #21: From Water Management to Water Economy (2020)
Prof. Shahbaz Khan, Director of UNESCO Regional Science Bureau for Asia and the Pacific, invited Dr. Mochammad Amron, Executive Director of Indonesian Water Partnership, Indonesia, and Prof Naseer Gillani, Chair of Development Finance of IHRO, Pakistan, to explore how we shift from water management to water economy.
The panelists explored existing linkages between water management and the economy in their society. Among other industries, agriculture, which benefits from water, is important for the Indonesia and Pakistan’s economies. According to Dr. Amron, there must be an enabling environment supported by law. When he explained the cost of water in Indonesia, he stressed that water should not be owned but permitted to use so that all people can benefit from water.
Dr. Naseer explained the evolution of water recognition in Global Agendas. SDGs, for the first time, created a goal dedicated to water – SDG 6, and the goal is designed to be achieved at the national level and the global level. In his working’s experiences with various political parties, it is important to build understanding among all stakeholders involved. He explained the success in the flood management project implemented in Pakistan with UNESCO supported by MOFA and JICA, which mobilized international experts and funds for building local people’s capacity. In the future, he expects to have a project which designs a business model in the field of water.