Disaster Communication for UNESCO Sites: Education for Disaster Risk Reduction (2020)

Disaster Communication for UNESCO Sites: Education for Disaster Risk Reduction (2020)

COVID-19 is spreading human suffering, destabilizing the global economy and upending the lives of billions of people around the world. The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 was adopted at the Third UN World Conference in Sendai, Japan, on March 18, 2015. The present Framework will apply to the risk of small-scale and large-scale, frequent and infrequent, sudden and slow-onset disasters caused by natural or man-made hazards, as well as the related environmental and biological hazards and risks. In addition, ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being at all ages is essential to sustainable development (SDGs).

Based on SFDRR and SDGs, Miyagi University of Education, Sendai, Japan hosted a webinar course on “Education for Disaster Risk Reduction integrating SFDRR and SDGs for in-service teacher training” supported by UNESCO Regional Science Bureau for Asia and the Pacific, on 24th Wednesday June 2020, from 10:30 to 12:30 (Japan time), 01:30-03:30 (GMT).

Long term school closures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic present an unprecedented risk to children’s education, protection and wellbeing. School reopening must be safe and consistent with each area’s overall COVID-19 health response.

For the reopening of schools, it is essential to consider school-based services such as immunization, school meals, as well as mental health and psychosocial support. Miyagi University of Education, Sendai, has experienced the reopening of schools once before, after the earthquake and tsunami struck on March 11, 2011.

Therefore, this Masterclass will be the opportunity to discuss reopening schools after the occurrence of disasters caused by natural hazards such as earthquake and tsunami, and biological hazards such as COVID-19. 

Man and Biosphere Programme & Natural World Heritage (2018)

Man and Biosphere Programme & Natural World Heritage (2018)

  • Presentation on Marine Biodiversity in Indonesia: Current status and future direction

Speaker: Dr. Udhi Eko Hernawan

  • Presentation on Microplastics: tiny monster of our oceans

Speaker: Muhammad Reza Cordova, M.Si.

  • Presentation on Double Trouble: Warming and acidifying oceans

Speaker: Intan Suci Nurhati, Ph.D.

  • Presentation on Future food from the oceans

Speaker: Evi Amelia Siahaan, M.Eng.