JFIT Sustainability Insight #19: Youth Leaders for Climate Change Resilience (2020)

JFIT Sustainability Insight #19: Youth Leaders for Climate Change Resilience (2020)

Prof. Shahbaz Khan, Director of UNESCO Regional Science Bureau for Asia and the Pacific, invited Dr. Amanda Katili Niode, Manager of The Climate Reality Project Indonesia, who has been supporting youth in this field, and Ms. Saraswati Siahaan, Activists of Youth for Climate Change, Indonesia, who was selected as the winner of Youth Leadership Camp for Climate Change in 2017.

Prof Khan inquired Dr. Katili about her understanding of Climate Resilience. She answered that Climate Resilience is the ability for human and nonhuman systems to withstand and respond to Climate Change at all levels.  This resilience concept can bridge the conceptual gap between mitigation and adaptation.  As manager of The Climate Reality Project Indonesia, where 500 Climate Reality Leaders came from different backgrounds actively advocates Climate Change issues, her focus is on awareness raising of decision makers and younger generations.

Ms. Saraswati was motivated to work on Climate Change issues when she participated in UNESCO’s “Youth Leadership for Climate Change”. That experience opened her door to join the community called “Youth for Climate Change Indonesia” and study in Australia. She concerns limited awareness of Climate Change issues and lack of engagement atthe local community level. The participants of the camp successfully maintain their networks. The speakers consider the success of the Youth camp was due to the strategic design of the discussions: the organizers grouped participants so that they can easily express themselves; passionate mentors were involved in supporting and inspiring each student group.

At the end of the session, Dr. Katili delivered her message: International, interdisciplinary, intergenerational can bring better results. She recommended UNESCO to run more  youth leadership programs at UNESCO sites, and connect youth in Asia Pacific with Japanese counterparts. Ms. Saraswati also suggested such Youth Camp to be held every year, and the financial and political support will be provided to youth.