Aplikasi Zat Warna Alami untuk Kain Tradisional - Natural Dye Application for Traditional Fabric (2021)
Aplikasi Zat Warna Alami untuk Kain Tradisional: Menuju Industri Fashion Ramah Lingkungan dan Lestari
UNESCO Jakarta berkolaborasi dengan Indonesia Natural Dye Institute (INDI), yang diampu oleh Universitas Gadjah Mada, menyusun sebuah pelatihan tentang "Aplikasi Zat Warna Alami untuk Kain Tradisional: Menuju Industri Fashion Ramah Lingkungan dan Lestari". Pelatihan ini diberikan kepada para pengrajin muda yang tergabung dalam kelompok Kita Muda Kreatif. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas pengrajin muda dalam penggunaan pewarna alami untuk kain tradisional serta meningkatkan kesadaran pengrajin muda untuk menghasilkan kain tradisional yang ramah lingkungan.
Natural Dye Application for Traditional Fabric: Dyeing Process Optimization towards Sustainable Environmental Friendly Fashion Industry
UNESCO Jakarta, in collaboration with The Indonesia Natural Dye Institute (INDI), hosted by
Universitas Gadjah Mada, developed the hands-on training material on “Natural Dye Application for Traditional Fabric:
Dyeing Process Optimization towards Sustainable Environmental Friendly Fashion
Industry”. The training was delivered to the young artisans and crafters from Kita Muda Kreatif group. The training
aimed to improve the young artisan’s capacity in natural dying process and to
raise their awareness on environmentally friendly practices to create
traditional fabric.

GRASSROOTS INNOVATION: Technical Assistance, Capacity Building and Mentoring on Social Entrepreneurship Development in the Field of Natural Dye for Batik (2019)
Batik is one of Indonesian Intangible Cultural Heritage[i] of Humanity inscribed in 2009. The processes and techniques of dying the fabric have been national pride for Indonesia as everyday batik designs are worn regularly, while special varieties are incorporated into special occasions or even certain cultural rituals.
Moreover, fashion industry contributing significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and waste (water and solid) production[ii], stakeholders in the fashion industry are essential and unavoidable partners in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). As a more environmental friendly alternative and taking advantage of public growing concern about how clothes they wear are made, efforts in promoting both re-introduction and local and indigenous technics especially in natural dyes are encouraged in Batik industry. However naturally died batik products are still facing quality challenges making them difficult to develop in the growing natural product international market.
Hence, UNESCO, with the support of the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and in partnership with Gamaindigo UGM, Balai Besar Kerajinan dan Batik (BBKB), Warlami dan Yayasan Dian Desa, with the technical support of Prof Heo Bugku from Naju-san Natural Dye city and in consultation with UNESCO Category 2 Centre, International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia- Pacific Region (ICHCAP) Daejeon, Republic of Korea, discussed and trained 30 female batik artisans during a 3days workshop entitled “GRASSROOTS INNOVATION: Technical Assistance, Capacity Building and Mentoring on Social Entrepreneurship Development in the Field of Natural Dye for Batik” on 19 - 21 June 2019 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Join us and improve your knowledge about natural dyed batik, colour fastness, and get an introduction on how you can improve market penetration by using social media and online market place, and how to brand your products effectively by defining the identity of your product and the story you want to tell.
This project will be contributing to SDG 9 and SDG 17.

Supporting Skills for Women Innovators (2021)
This regional training will enable the students, underserved young women, or women in grassroots to participate in innovations, develop creative industry, contribute to local and national economic development, and nurture technopreneurship and business incubators. The project is part of the wider effort in implementing the 2030 Agenda and its SGDs, especially on Goal 4, 9 and 17.

Research Ethic Standards: Refashioning Scientific Dialogue (2021)
UNESCO in collaboration with INCT (Instituto Nacional de ciencia y teknologia, Timor-Leste) organised a national Science Technology and Innovation (STI) landscape/Technical Need Assessment (TNA) e-survey on February – March 2020 to identify science and technological gaps and priority needs for Timor-Leste. The survey was the first step towards developing a coherent and integrated strategy tailored to the specific situation of the country. The survey has identified, among others, the need to have a blueprint of research ethic standard for INCT.
Established in 2014, INCT is a body to develop and support science technology and innovation programmes in Timor-Leste within the Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030 (SPD 2011-2030) to foster the development of STI in the national level through education, research and community development. INCT has requested support from UNESCO in establishing the ethical standards in research in Timor-Leste.
The INCT STI research’s ethical standards including the Terms of Reference (ToR), standard operational procedure (SOP), and code of conduct for the Ethics Committee, is developed in early 2021. As follow-up action, an online training on Research Ethic Standards: Refashioning Scientific Dialogue was organised on October and the lectures were recorded for this e-learning platform with aim to ensure the application of appropriate ethical standards.

Careers for post-Millennials: Driving the Future with Science, Engineering, and Innovation (2021)
The future careers of
post-pandemic have shifted to be more innovation-driven. Critical sectors such
as healthcare, technology and engineering, business and finance, or even arts essentially
require innovations to thrive in the post-pandemic era. However, there are gaps
in the needs and supply of ready professionals and workers to nurture
innovations in these sectors. The situations during the COVID-19 pandemic have
widened and worsened this gap especially related to the Asia Pacific region’s existing
educations inequity. To challenge this issue, UNESCO, in collaboration with
Thai Young Scientist Academy, PTT Exploration and Production Public Company
Limited, and the National Science Museum Thailand (NSM), conducted a series of
online workshops for youth on “Careers for post-Millennials: Driving the Future
with Science, Engineering, and Innovation”. These workshops aimed to inspire
and encourage youth in the region to pursue careers as professionals in
innovation-driven sectors.
The training
materials were prepared specifically for high school students and university
students, comprised of three focused career groups: 1) automation and robotic
engineers, 2) creative and arts digitisation designers and engineers, and 3)
health and related environmental professionals. In addition to that, a virtual
job exhibition was organised to give participants an experience of job hunting.

UNESCO GO-SPIN Introduction: Mapping Research and Innovation (2021)
UNESCO Global Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Instruments (GO-SPIN) Introduction: Mapping Research and Innovation
This course consists of two lectures on Introduction of UNESCO GO-SPIN as tools to mapping research and innovation.
Session 1: Methodological Approach, Guidelines and On-line Platform Ms Sirin Elci, UNESCO's international expert in STI policy
Session 2: STI Policy Instruments, Governing Bodies, Legal Framework and Policies Ms Kornelia Tzinova, Assistant Programme Specialist

Modern Optics and Its Application (2023)
SCoMOA 2023 is an international Summer Course on Modern Optics and Its Applications organized by The Indonesian Optical Society (InOS), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Univ. Pelita Harapan (UPH), Univ. Padjadjaran (Unpad), and Univ. Malaya (UM). It is designed for credit earning equivalent to 2 CU2 course for undergraduate and early graduate students in physics and engineering.
The course took place in ITB Campus, Bandung, Indonesia on 28 Jul - 1 Aug 2023 where around 100 participants attended in person (face to face) but the rest attended in online synchronous mode. This is a copy of teaching materials used in the course including slides, home works, lab. works documentation, and exam. They are put here in order to disseminate the knowledge on modern optics and photonics to a wider community.

Open Science Implementation Mechanism (2023)
This e-learning course is developed as an outcome of the Regional Workshop on Enhancing and Strengthening Regional Open Science Implementation Mechanism that was organised by UNESCO Jakarta together with the International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation (ISTIC) under the auspices of UNESCO and the Science Technology Engineering Innovation Policy Asia and the Pacific Network (STEPAN). The course consists of the following topics:
- Regional feedback to enhance common understanding of Open Science and the effectiveness of public policy and investment to promote Open Science implementation mechanism with a list of indicators on how to monitor implementation progress.
- Recommendations on enhancing public policy and investment to promote Open Science implementation mechanism.
- Recommendations on producing, managing, sharing, and utilizing the results, infrastructures, and processes of R&D and traditional and non-traditional knowledge systems with features of an AP region OS platform.